Every day a large number of complaints from the population are received by management companies. Leaks, the beginning of the heating season after the onset of cold weather, power outage, frequent voltage surges, etc. D.
Many comments expressed by people are reasonable and they must be taken into account, to work out and satisfy.
However, it is necessary to pay attention to the citizens themselves who are completely not concerned about the reality surrounding them. In the event of problem situations, they contact the management company without delay, but they themselves do not make any efforts to solve problems or prevent them. Many residents have not yet installed water meters, regularly forget to block the tap with water and turn off the light, not to mention the fact that they throw garbage right on the street.
There is another category of citizens, which, at first glance, does nothing reprehensible. They regularly pay taxes, always turn off electricity and water, some even engage in active social activities.
Nevertheless, they do not contribute to energy saving, which causes harm not only to themselves, but also to society as a whole. This is due to the fact that they did not replace the windows and did not repair them. The process of restoration of windows does not require huge costs, although it is very beneficial, both from aesthetic and purely practical point of view. Given the modern level of electricity prices (you must admit, they are not small), the windows of windows will pay off over time.
A large number of firms carry out repairs of plastic and PVC windows and wooden windows. These works are carried out almost all year round, and not only in the warm season. Many of them perform restoration and repair in a short time, which became possible thanks to the use of new, modern technologies.
Instead of filling out complaints all the instances where you can contact, people should first pay attention to the state of their own home, whether it is insulated, whether they did everything to put it in order.
The main part of heat transfer is carried out through the windows. Through them sunlight penetrates into our homes and heats out. To minimize the costs of utilities, first of all, windows must be put in order, which is possible by replacing, restoration or repair.
The solution of the problems of housing and communal services is possible but only by state structures and private companies, but also the residents themselves. For this, it is necessary to form a stable public opinion aimed not to fight the irrational consumption of water and electricity. One of the key points in which it is the restoration and repair of old windows.
It is the consciousness of the citizens themselves, the creation of groups, public associations and organizations allows us to solve a large number of problems, which, often, is not able to solve even the state.
Caring personally about yourself and your house, you are taking care of yourself and the state in which you live.