Suburban housing is very popular, especially among residents of large cities. Any specialized online building materials store in Moscow is ready to provide all the necessary building materials for the construction of a house or cottage. Many owners of sites prefer brick buildings. Such structures have reliability, strength and durability.
The quality of the future building is completely dependent on the quality of the building material, so you should carefully choose not only brick, but also cement. Do not believe the word to the seller, it is necessary to independently check the goods before purchasing.
High -quality cement should be homogeneous and crumbly. If there are lumps and any impurities in the mixture, then this will necessarily affect the captivity and strength of the seam. It is necessary to ensure that the delivery of building materials is carried out according to all the necessary rules, otherwise the mixture can plunder moisture and become unsuitable.
A great impact on the quality of cement has the time for its manufacture. Over time, characteristics worsen. In addition, before buying the material, you should understand its marking, so that then there are no complaints about the seller.
Cement is packed on paper bags that are not distinguished by strength and reliability, so it is better to store them in plastic bags.
Determining the quality of the brick, you should pay attention to its color and sound, which is made when impact. When buying a red brick, you should not take a product of a brown or light pink shade, otherwise humidity will be constantly increased in the house. And the deaf sound of the blow to the brick indicates that the material is very fragile and unreliable.