The mosaic walls of the walls are several different types of decoration of rooms – this is the laying of the mosaic directly, which is a rather complex and painstaking workflow, as well as the processing of internal walls with mosaic paints.
Laying mosaics is perfectly combined with all possible types of decoration of premises and is suitable for decorating rooms with various functional capabilities (kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms and bedrooms). Collect a mosaic of small elements, which are pieces of natural stone, glass or ceramics. You can buy a mosaic, or you can make unique glass products to order in specialized companies.
Currently, the reverse (or matrix) method of laying mosaics is more common. Professional masters own in direct way and use it quite rarely. You can also purchase ready -made mosaic matrices from which the pattern is laid out like a tile.
Mosaic paints are a visual imitation of a real mosaic, but in fact there is nothing more than decorative paint with pieces of pigment and solid particles applied to the surface of the wall. By the way, pigments can be one -color and multi -color.
The special uniqueness and uniqueness of mosaic colors is that when used on various surfaces, they form different, not similar drawings. Mosaic paints have excellent operational characteristics, perfectly tolerate temperature changes, increased humidity and the effect of mechanical damage.
The surface on which it is necessary to apply mosaic paint should be dry, clean and even, which can be achieved using primer and sandpaper.
Decorative mosaic varnishes are implemented in the finished form. For their application, I use sprayers with which the pigment particles easily fit into a unique pattern.