Linoleum is one of the most inexpensive flooring. He was specially widespread, primarily due to his simple operation – it is very easy to wash and clean, as well as lay. In addition, of course, aesthetic qualities and variety of choice.
All work on the flooring of linoleum can be done with your own hands, without the need to contact professionals. If you do not have construction skills, you want to save precious time, and are not sure that you will do everything right – refer to construction and repair firms or brigades.
First, choose the right linoleum.
It exists of different widths, and it is advisable to choose so that there are no joints later. Secondly, do preparatory work – align the floor and cover with a primer. Also, the primer needs to be covered with the wrong side of the linoleum itself. The old coating can not be removed, since it can become an excellent thermal insulation material. Put the linoleum itself, retreating from the edges of the walls of 5-6 millimeters.
This is necessary to prevent swelling. Linoleum is subject to compression and stretching at temperature changes, so be sure to leave these gaps. The edges of linoleum must be fixed with skirting boards. If the cross -country ability is high or the area of the room is large, use adhesive styling. Use professional glue.