Multi -layer shots are very interesting not only to do, but also to drink. Bar customers think that such cocktails are very difficult to prepare, but this is not so. They make them quite simple: add syrups for cocktails and various liquors in turn to get layers. This cannot be done in random order, since the density of the drinks is different.
Features of cooking
First you should choose several drinks that can make a multi -layer cocktail original. You can also add syrups and cream to it, which will make them more intriguing.
First of all, you need to pay attention to the aromas of all drinks. Most multi -layer cocktails have the same taste as with a normal mixture. But in order for the appearance to be beautiful, the color of liquors and syrups should differ. In addition, you need to alternate colored and colorless drinks.
You should also determine which liqueur more specific mass. You need to check all the information, and it is in the global network. It should be noted that the cream liquors are lighter than simple ones, so they will always be from above. And with other drinks you can simply experiment.
First, the ingredient should be poured into a glass or shit, which has the highest specific mass. They need to be poured through a special container with a narrow nose along the wall of the vessel. The main thing is that all proportions are approximately the same.
The second layer is poured as accurately as possible so that the first layer is not damaged. The liquid is poured very slowly so that everything works out. Sometimes a spoon is used, which rotates the back side, and the liquid is drained along it.
If you learn how to make multi -layer cocktails, then all the visits of the bar will think that his owner is very experienced and copes with his work perfectly.