You know, not so long ago people have not thought about where and how a certain door would look in their house. Today everything is completely different. Most people give their preference when ordering doors of a non -standard size, which are original both in size and appearance.
A fairly large manufacturers of our time, take into account the case that the customer will need the door, the size of which will only have, so an individual approach is provided for each. This need arises in two cases. In the first case, the customer doorway does not comply with any standards or is even something from the last century. And in the second, when they need to be selected for individual development.
Today, interior doors, having a non -standard size, have a fairly high demand, and a huge number of factories are engaged in such individual orders. If your house has a stylishly designed interior, non -standard doors will be the most suitable result. After all, as they think about this room as a whole, an interior non -standard door can greatly affect. Agree, the door installed in your house, which will be made of valuable wood species, will emphasize how exquisite the design of your home and create a positive impression of its owners. However, the development of such a design should be made by a specialist. Production and installation should also not be done on your own. Remember that if you are going to install such a door to the apartment that is in the old housing stock or if you restore the mansion, the designer’s advice will also not hurt you.
The requirements that are made to the manufacture of non -standard doors are given special attention. Therefore, all the necessary calculations are carried out individually for each client.