When planning to build a house in the village, think about the construction of a bath at the same time. After all, the bathhouse in the village will become for you not only the place of adoption of water procedures, but at the same time you can do the prevention of some diseases.
So, for a start, decide where the future bathhouse will be: in a separate building, inside the house itself or in the annex to it. If we consider the last two options, then they are more profitable, in terms of the fact that all communications (water supply, light) are in the house itself, and you will not have to take care of this. Separately, the standing bath requires additional insulation, while in a “built -in” bath a steamer will need to be insulated only, and then provided that you live in the house constantly, and it is regularly heated.
As a rule, a favorite place for building a bath is still a place somewhere in the garden, away from the house. As for the layout of the premises of the bath, it usually consists of a steam room and a dressing room. However, if you always dreamed of a spacious bathhouse, it would be better to allocate a place under the soap with a vestibule.
The vestibule is located immediately outside the door to the bathhouse, so it prevents the penetration of cold air into the steam room and into the soap. After the vestibule there is a dressing room in which it will be possible to relax upon exit from the steam room. Therefore, here it will be necessary to provide a place for benches and table. There should be enough space in the soap for tubs of water, shops, tanks and various. As for the steam room herself, she is usually made a square, with an area of about 9 meters. A stove – a stove with a built -in water tank is located in the corner. Stamps are installed along the walls. The height of the bath should be minimal.
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