For the construction of a house with your own hands, the age of the one who built up is important. Most often, the desire to get your own apartments arises no earlier than at forty. In such and even later age -related framework for developers, everything turns out well. It is better not to make a young person to build a house with your own hands or hire a construction team.
If you want to build a house for one family, you do not need to make such a design too large. The optimal size of such a building is 70-80 square meters. Excess meter is unlikely to be used in an efficient way and will only lead to a rise in price.
To date, for the day, for the most part, one – and two -story houses with attic, which are used as residential premises are being built. When arranging the attic, the hosts receive significant winnings in residential areas in the same size.
It is better to build a house in measurements of ancient calculation: fathoms, tops, feet, inchs, the same quarters. The fathom is equal – 2.1337 meters, the top is 4.45 centimeters, inch – 2.54 centimeters, span – 17.48 centimeters, foot – 30.48 centimeters. Fathom – these are the same feet in the indicator of seven. There is also a fathom – 1.76 meters.
The metric system is now not without reason recognized as dead. Yes, to build and measure, possibly, and conveniently, but living is not very. For example, being in old houses, many note that people feel better in them. The mood here rises, and each room seems comfortable, even if it is small. What’s the matter? The fact that each room corresponds to the size of the human body. Ancient units in measurements have a human appearance: they are a multiple of the length of the elbow, feet, scope of hands.
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