Polystyrene concrete became a discovery in the construction industry. It combines the hardness of concrete and the plasticity of the tree. Excellent soundproofing material, it holds heat very well. One of the priority areas of the Cabbit Cabrifoff is the manufacture of high -quality hallways.
What are the main advantages of the material
1. Light material, so the building is built very quickly;
2. Construction is cheaper, as it goes without the use of special equipment;
3. does not give shrinkage;
4. There is always a stable air temperature in such a house;
5. quickly grasps during installation;
6. has excellent strength;
7. refractory material;
8. waterproof material;
9. Easy to finish other materials.
Construction of polystyrene concrete can be carried out even in winter, and you do not have to build a powerful foundation for the house, as the blocks are light. If you are building from blocks, then they sit on a special glue. Additional thermal insulation of the building does not need that it is already a big plus. With additional pouring the columns of the building, you get the resistance of the material that is calculated a hundred years. You can install any roof on a house made of polystyrene concrete. A large house can be erected in just a week if you have a building materials and a brigade about four people at your fingertips.