Modular structures are often used for the construction of various facilities. The construction of all kinds of stores, automobile gas stations, entertainment centers, small kiosks is not complete without their use. By the way, you can read the City Feedback on the link given.
The composition of such structures includes a metal or wooden skeleton, roofing and enclosing panels. To prevent corrosion, metal parts of the skeleton are galvanized.
For the design of buildings, you can use awnings, facade frames, staircases, other architectural elements.
The main advantages of the design:
The speed of construction. Installation of the building can be carried out for several days or months.
The ability to make additional extensions.
The possibility of redevelopment.
The relatively low cost associated with the fact that the components of the parts for modular structures are produced in series and relatively easy.
Buildings built from modules, in addition, are safe for both people and for the environment, through the use of environmentally friendly materials in their manufacture. They are resistant to adverse external influences and mechanical damage.