World academics came to disappointing conclusions. They installed. That our pipelines are worn 65 percent. Half of the communications have already lost all their beneficial properties. That is why various industrial waste, petroleum products, as well as urban sewage drainage can get into our water. Holes and cracks shine everywhere in pipelines, and in sewage, the situation is not almost better. And therefore, water is often mixed with ficals and drains of cities enterprises.
Our water is a very favorable environment for the life and development of microbes and bacteria. Bacteria, trying to survive in conditions of a constant change in the composition of chemical elements in water, they are able to create the so -called small dose of antibiotic. These arguments are true. Science has proved their reliability. If such water enters the human body. Then she can destroy the useful flora of the intestines. Pretty polluted water gets dangerous elements in our house. Rusty old pipes saturate it with iron ions also. In large quantities, this substance can cause great harm to human health. At the water. A terrible smell flowing from our crane. Very unsightly color and disgusting taste. If you drink water from the tap, then you expose your health with considerable risk.
According to scientists. engaged in the study of water resources, all water sources located both on the surface of the Earth and in its bowels are to some extent exposed to enterprises and people. This effect varies in its strength and power. The sanitary epidemiological situation in reservoirs of various categories is very deplorable. Currently, trends towards a decrease in the level of pollution and composition of harmful elements are not observed.
The water from the crane is filled with parasites. Various harmful bacteria can cause serious digestive diseases. For example. Most often in water there are Lambia cysts. Try not to use unfiltered water from – under the crane.
Various mixtures of industrial enterprises constantly fall into the water. Most often these are volatiles, various fertilizers and pistycides. All this adversely affects your health.
Even heavy metals can be in tap water. This is very dangerous for your health. Very often rust or silt fall into the water. The most dangerous substance that may be contained in water is lead. It has long been proven that this element violates brain activity, destroying brain cells. This leads to a decrease in the level of mental development.
Thus, the water from the crane contains everything harmful, which can only be in nature.
There are different methods that can make water cleaner. One of the most cardinal is the chemical flushing of the pipeline. With this method, specially selected reagents will remove deposits in the pipe and destroy dangerous bacteria.