Depending on the manufacturing technology of tiles, there is vibration and vibro -pressed tiles. In the manufacture of vibroly tiles, plasticizers are added to increase strength to increase strength. It also allows us to exclude the possibility of the formation of small por in the composition of the material. The porous structure increases the rate of destruction of the tiles during cold winter. Due to the properties of water, expanding when freezing the risk of destruction of defective tiles is very large.
When knowing the technology of styling and compliance with technological standards, laying paving slabs can be done with your own hands. The tile is laid on the aligned surface. If the tile lies down, then that the angle of inclination does not change, you need to score pegs and pull the cord. From the site on which the installation of tiles is planned to remove the soil layer and replace it with gravel. Then the site is planned, hillocks are removed, all the pits and hollows are superimposed. A layer of sand or a mixture of cement and sand lies on the planned area. By moving and this layer can begin to lay the tiles.
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ka lies with a gap of at least a millimeter. In addition, this reduces the risk of destructive stresses due to a change in temperature. Sand and crushed stone under tiles freely pass water, and it goes into the ground. If the tile lies on top of the old asphalt or concrete coating, then it is necessary to use gutters or drainage pipes to drain water.
In winter, water can freeze on too smooth tiles, then the site will turn into a rink. The output from the situation will be a vile pile coating made of plastic laid on top of the tile. If there is the possibility of additional costs, you can carry out pipe tiles with circulating warm water.
It is easy to care for paving slabs. You need to regularly sweep it and wash it with a hose or mop. For the integrity of tiles, it is necessary to avoid strong mechanical influences.