The appearance of stretch ceiling structures greatly simplified the life of homeowners. Classic ceiling decoration options are associated with processes such as primer and putty. After that, painting is also required. All these works take a lot of time and effort. They are expensive. The result may not be as ideal as the owners expect. The use of suspended ceilings significantly reduces the time required to carry out repairs. It can be guaranteed that according to the results of the implementation of all necessary measures, an absolutely flat, attractive and very practical surface will be obtained.
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Stretch ceilings can be made of polyvinyl chloride (usually called plastic or film), as well as on the basis of tissue materials. PVC film can withstand water volumes of more than a hundred liters. This is very useful if one day the neighbors from above are forgotten to close the water in the bathroom. The ceiling canvas is attached to a special frame. One edge of the canvas is seasoned in profile, and for the second installers begin to “pull”, while heating the film itself. So the entire ceiling is fixed on the frame. After cooling, the canvas gives a small shrinkage and is strongly pulled.