To preserve the usual grandmother’s comfort in their own family nest, most apartment owners decide on a rather radical step-replace the old furniture made in a style called Shebbi-Shik. Today we will consider in more detail the issue regarding the step -by -step training of such technology, everything is applied to the hopes with the help of special varnishes and colors. This kind of hobby can become for some to become a real meaning of the whole subsequent life.
Quite often, the update requires small one -room and two -room apartments in size. But at the same time, a very often familiar image of their own apartment has characteristic, familiar, sentimental features. In such cases, I do not want to introduce devastation and innovation into an already existing idyll. The most optimal solution will be the bright whitened motifs of the Provence style, with certain shades of the simplicity of the Scandinavian type. If you put trance sockets, it is important that they are combined with this style.
You can supplement this image of your decoration with the English style. That is why it is required to look for a certain kind of compromise. For such cases, there is such a compromise option as the style of Shebbi-Shik. A characteristic feature of this style is that a layer of old texture will peep through a fresh layer of paint. You can save this style by staining the surface of furniture items under “antiquity”.