Before you glue wallpaper on the wall or paint it with paint, the surface must be well faded. After all, the finish coating is applied only to the flat surface. But if you know the technology of putting putty, you can easily do this work yourself.
First, in accordance with the instructions, you need to dilute a small amount of putty mixture. The water -resistant finish putty hardens quite quickly, so you need to prepare as much composition as it will be enough for 30 minutes of work.
Cracks available on the walls are cleaned and treated with a primer. When the primitive composition dries, you need to cover these cracks with putty.
After all this dries well, the entire surface of the wall is treated with a primer. And only then the surface is completely putty. How to do it? A small spatula, a small amount of putty is applied to a large spatula. Moves from top to bottom, this mass is evenly distributed over the surface of the wall. So that in the future, cracks do not appear usually use a painting grid. It is pressed into a putty already applied to the wall, and is covered with another layer of putty composition on top. This putty layer is called basic, and its thickness is approximately 1.5 cm.
The final layer can only be applied after the basic. The finish putty is applied with a thin (not more than 2 mm) layer and makes the surface smooth.