Everyone knows that the office is judged by the entire company. It is from the area and building that the company’s representative office is located and how it will be designed not only the first impression, but also the image and reliability of cooperation with it in the eyes of customers.
The rental of premises without intermediaries for the office of his company rarely costs its owner without an additional headache. When choosing commercial real estate, it is necessary to take into account many factors, among which it is necessary to pay special attention to:
The location of the chosen office, it should not be very far away, otherwise it will be inconvenient for customers to get, which means their number will be small;
The cost of square meters in this business center – the choice of this parameter should be made from how profitable your business is;
Transport denouement – it should be convenient to get to the office not only to its owner by car, but also to customers and employees who may have not yet acquired their own transport;
The prestige of the location area – first of all, indicates the viability of the company and its reliability, so if you are counting on the involvement of wealthy partners and customers of services;
Square – it does not always happen that in the chosen business – the center has an area that is perfect for a businessman with its size;
The architecture of the premises – it should not only be convenient, but also stylish and beautiful, but even better memorable, then you will get an additional opportunity to stay in your customers’ memory for a long time;
Management company – everything that your office will surround depends on its work in the future, and therefore what customers will see when you come to you;
Internal design – must delight the eye, create a cozy atmosphere that will have your employees for hard work, and customers and companions – to cooperation;
Parking efficiency – if the business center will be difficult to park, you can lose a certain percentage of new customers, because they will find a more convenient option for them to visit, and therefore for the purchase of services.
If you are interested in the rental of premises without intermediaries for commercial purposes, then all of the above is just a small part of those criteria that will be taken into account by the owner of the company when looking for an office for it. But the main advantage of this type of ownership of property is that you will not immediately need astronomical amounts for its acquisition, so this option is suitable for beginners, and by refusing the services of intermediaries, you will also be able to save a significant part of your budget.