Today, there is a fairly simple way to make a wable of corrugated board with your own hands. Let us consider this process in more detail. At first, it is necessary to accurately determine the shape of the gate, as this will be needed to determine the amount of material purchased. Then accurate measurement is made.
Note that this procedure requires sufficient attention and caution, since if the measurement is incorrect, it will be possible to get an unstable gate. Usually take a height of two meters, since this size is the most optimal for making the gate and gates. And the width should be no more than one meter.
Then you need to prepare the base using a special drill or shovel. It is necessary to make two recesses for one and a half meter depth for metal pipes. The lower part of these pipes needs to be cleaned and stroked. Then recesses are poured with a special concrete mixture.
After you need to make the frame of the gate. To do this, take profile pipes with a cross section of 60×30 millimeters. Welding of a common frame for the size of the gate is carried out, and then two pipes are welded to it. After which the entire karakas is cleaned and stroked. Then it is necessary to attach the leaves of corrugated board to the frame. And at the end the hinges, handle are attached and a special lock is installed.
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