More and more homeowners resort to installation, so -called, warm floors. This invention significantly increases the level of comfort in the room and allows you to create its own microclimate in each room.
Today, two varieties of warm floors are presented on the construction and repair market. The first variety is electric, and the second is water. Each of them has, both the pros and the minuses, which we will talk about below.
The first type of gender that will be discussed is electric. The undoubted advantage of such a sex is easy to install. This type of floor does not require any specific skills or knowledge and it can be established independently. After all, this is not a burden of a log house that requires specific skills and knowledge, and which cannot be independently without the help of a team of builders. The plus is that the warm air that goes from floor to ceiling evenly fills the entire space, and using the control panel, you can set the necessary temperature in each of the rooms where this variety of warm floor is installed.
As for the field with water heating, the help of specialists will be required here who can calculate the necessary length of the water tubes and their direction. Pauls of this type can be installed under any floor covering, with the exception of the laminate. The advantage of gender with water heating over a floor with electric heating is that it consumes much less electricity, which in the conditions of expensive energy will be an undoubted plus. When installing this type of floor, you must be careful not to damage water tubes.