A peculiar basis for the installation of communications and engineering systems is the laying of sewage. A modern private house needs its own sewer system. Thus, you can create extremely comfortable living conditions. It is important to lay the sewer subject to all the rules and requirements for this process. In the opposite case, the occurrence of a wide variety of problems is possible during the operation of the sewage system. Sewage in private houses can be arranged in several ways.
Internal sewage system. To start it, to begin with it, it is necessary to determine what part of the house a special sewer well will be located. As a rule, a party where there is a natural slope of the landscape (the lowest point) is selected there. In the foundation of this place at a depth of approximately one meter, a hole is made, which should have a sufficient diameter for the release of a sewer pipe of 100 mm. All sewer pipes that are laid inside the house are reduced to this point. It is recommended to lay pipes in houses and on the street with a certain slope of approximately 5-7 mm per line meter of pipes. This is necessary so that the drain is carried out without any difficulties. A good solution could be the laying of sewage in the house in the form of a special sewer riser, where drain points are connected. The sewer riser must have a revision hole that is necessary to maintain the system.
Laying the external sewer system is an important stage. The pipe from the house comes out at a depth, which is approximately 1.2 meters and enters the sewer well with a bias. The external part of the sewage system in a private house is divided into a couple of types, including a cesspool and a biological cleaning system. And the cesspool can be without a bottom, as well as with a hermetic design.
The septic tank is a special device for biological wastewater treatment using bacteria that decompose waste for silt and water. This method of laying sewage in private houses is one of the most popular. As a rule, a septic tank is built of reinforced concrete rings and ready -made plastic structures.