The reliability and durability of wooden houses are very high. Moreover, today there are a lot of special materials and substances that allow you to protect such buildings from negative influences. And still it should be understood that wood is almost defenseless before negative conditions.
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The fact is that with constant contact with moisture, this material begins to deteriorate quickly enough. A fungus and mold appear on it. You can protect yourself from this if you correctly take into account the characteristics of the wood and correctly organize its use. But it is not so easy to do it.
To protect wood, already at the stage of creating a project at home you need to think about the device of a high basement. If the lower log is at home, t. e. The first crown of the box will be located 30 cm above the ground, it will turn out to be much more efficient to protect the structure. In this case, you need to equip the house with a good drain.
The fungus always appears on the wood if its surface is not blown enough by air. This means that even when creating additional thermal insulation, it is necessary to leave some space between it and the walls. Then the ventilation will not be broken.