In order to expand living space, many apartment owners want to turn their balcony into another room. One of the main problems that arises in this case is the heating of the balcony. If you decide to carry out heating on the balcony, we recommend that you contact specialists. Many methods of connecting heating are associated with domestic and legal difficulties.
For example, if you decide to connect to central heating, then you will need to obtain permission from the relevant authorities. The emergence of a new battery in the house can cause pressure reduction in the riser, which will entail a decrease in temperature in apartments located above. All this can also lead to considerable cash expenses.
However, there is a way to avoid all these problems. This is an installation on the loggia of an electric oil heater that would meet fire safety standards. You do not need any permits to install it. If in the region where you live, winter is not too harsh, it will be enough to install the “warm floor” system, then the need for additional heating of the balcony will disappear. Of course, everyone chooses what heating method will suit him, but do not forget that a high -quality installation of equipment is a guarantee of his good work.
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