Tiles cladding – a fairly common technique in construction and repair. This method allows you to maintain the surface from dirt and moisture for a long time. This type of work can easily be done without involving professionals if you follow simple rules.
Despite the variety of modern facing materials, the tile still retains its position in this sector of building materials. It is solid, durable, easily washed, does not burn, and most importantly, it is durable. Therefore, do not doubt when choosing between tiles and other material. You need to choose a type depending on where exactly the tile will lie down. It is external performance, internal and floor. Floor tiles are produced more wear -resistant, durable and dense. The material for interior decoration does not have protection against the influence of temperatures and atmospheric influences, so do not use it from the outside of the building. But facade tiles for external work is protected from all vagaries of nature. In addition, you can choose a picture of the facade. A small boulder or a stone drawing will look good at the dacha.
The standard tile size is not suitable for real conditions and it has to be cut. It is easy to do this. Pre -drawing a cut line with a pencil, with an effort, draw a glass cutter on it or other special device. Then you need to hit the tile with a line on the board or the rib of the table. Treat the rough sections with grinding material. For laying tiles, you need to prepare the surface. The wall should be flat with a slight roughness. Put tiles on a cement mortar. All the necessary tools can be purchased in a construction store.