Concrete rings allow you to build a septic tank in the shortest possible time and without complex engineering structures as, for example, in the case of a whole concrete septic tank. If, in addition to the rings, use ready -made auxiliary elements – the bottom (or rings with a bottom), cover, hatches – then the construction of the septic tank actually turns into the assembly of the designer.
The septic tank should have a volume of at least 3-fold daily flow of wastewater. The daily influx is equal to the number of living, multiplied by 200 liters. Given the fact that the septic tank consists of at least 2 cameras, the number of rings is determined. Based on the number of rings, the size of the pit is calculated. If the installation of rings is supposed to be a tap, then the pit breaks off entirely, and then rings are lowered into it. If the crane is impossible, then the ring is installed on the surface and the ground is undermined from the inside along the entire diameter of the ring.
The first chamber of the septic tank is a sump – should be sealed. Therefore, the lower ring should be either with a bottom, or a concrete site is poured under it. Then the joints are thoroughly locked, and the entire structure is smeared from the inside with a waterproof composition.
The second camera is a filtration well – serves to infiltrate water into the ground. Holes with a diameter of 50 mm are made in the rings. The number of holes, depending on the diameter of the ring, 70-100 pieces. Pit for a filtration well larger diameter of rings per 1 m. After installing the rings, the filtration well is covered with rubble to a height of 1 m. Rings are also sprinkled with rubble outside to the full height of the well.
Pipes from home in the first chamber are carried out at an altitude of about 0.5 m. But this value depends on the distance, because the further the septic tank from the house is located, the deeper the pipe.
Both chambers of the septic tank are connected by a pipe at a height just above the middle of the height of the sump. Thus, silt and feces will not be able to get into the filtration well, and only defended water will pass. The first camera is also equipped with a vertical pipe that does not reach the top of the water. Its task is to withdraw gaseous decomposition products.
A similar pipe, but with perforation, is used in the second cell, but here it should reach the bottom, since here it serves to provide oxygen bacteria that decompose wastewater.
All pipes inside the septic tank are supplied with tees that protect them from clogging.
The process of the construction of the septic tank ends with the installation of the covers and backfilling with the ground.