Of course, in life, a person cannot do without such essential items as a rank. Knot. Since you intend to spend most of your stay in the country in the summer, the place for the construction of the toilet is quite suitable on the street near the house. What will protect your house from unpleasant odors and dirt. When decide on the location, you need to dig a hole, the depth of which is quite suitable – 2.5 meters. Well, the diameter is selected based on the size of the cabin (preferably already). By the way, you can make a booth by digging four pillars in the corners, pounding with a lining, or a rail. The roof is made under the slope for water drainage. Roofing roofs lies on the roof boards, pressed with pinned rails. Various kinds of insulation can. The insulation can be pricked from the inside of the toilet, if possible, but this is not necessarily. Cut the ventilation window, install the canopies on the window frame, insert window glass into the frame. You can sheathe a booth that remains from building a house. If possible, you can paint from corrosion. For the internal drilling of the cabin, you can use the old linoleum, which is well washed.
During the construction of the booth, the following sizes can be used, which are quite suitable for people of different complexions:
Front wall (with a door) up to 2.5 meters, and the back wall from 1.8m. up to 2.3m.
If you do not want to build a toilet with your own hands, then a purchased bio toilet is quite suitable. To extend the life of the toilet, it needs constant care. The pumping of the toilet is carried out as the cesspool is filled with half. Periodically, antibacterial powders can be sprinkled into the pit. In order to prevent rainwater from getting into the toilet pit, you need to dig a small trench around the booth and direct the drain from the roof to the opposite side of the pit, or into the barrel. Do not forget to put the washbasin to wash your hands in the booth. The used water from washing can be carefully directed along the wall through the hose into the cesspool, which will do without a garbage bucket.
That’s all follow this instructions, and the construction of the toilet will not be difficult for you.