Even in primitive times, people began to use a tree to build their dwellings. From antiquity, the tradition of making a log house has reached us. Since then, a variety of building materials have been invented and found, the life of people has completely changed, but houses made of wood continue to be erected now, because they have their undoubted advantages. Nowadays, the construction of a wooden house or bathhouse is performed quickly and without loss of quality, which is facilitated by the simultaneous use of traditional and new technologies. You can build houses made of wood in any style. The construction of an old Russian tower or a cottage of modern design, light, as if airy, building or a large, impressive building, is not a problem. It is comfortable to live in wooden houses all year round, because in winter they are warm, and in the summer months it is cool. And known in Rus’ since ancient times and now popular wooden baths have been serving the owners for many years, strengthening their health and spirit. Previously, people themselves built wooden houses themselves, today the construction company can do all the work. You can both choose a typical log house at home, bath or other buildings, and order it according to an individual project. Experts will perform a full or partial installation and decoration of the building, starting from the foundation to the roof, or this can be done independently. The construction company will manufacture a house from a bar, install it on a strip, column or monolithic foundation, will perform all the work on the decoration of the structure. Wooden structures are impregnated with an antiseptic composition. Roofing will also be performed at a decent level. An important part of the work is noise insulation and insulation of wooden log cabins. Even in the house, a fireplace or furnace can be installed.