To build a residential building, you can choose any breeds of trees, the most important thing is to choose a healthy wood. At least there is an opinion according to which only coniferous breed should be chosen for the house. It includes larch, pine, cedar and spruce.
It is especially worth noting the larch – it is more durable and has a beautiful structure of wood, it is not amenable to moisture. On the other hand, this is the most valuable tree of the tree and is not available to everyone. In addition, the strength of its wood requires a lot of labor and cash costs when processing it. A larch house can stand for more than one hundred years and has the property of preventing colds in a person by evaporation of phytoncides.
Cedar pine is slightly less strong than larch, but also has a beautiful structure of wood and persistent immunity to rotting. It is used in construction mainly in the Urals and Siberia because of its properties, such as an incomparable smell and a healing effect on our body. But due to its high cost, it is also not often used.
For the most part, more affordable trees are used to build residential buildings – this is pine and spruce.
It is easy to work with pine, because the barrel has an even surface, the wood itself is sufficiently soft for processing, and due to the fact that the structure of wood is clearly expressed, it can also be used in decorative decoration. The spruce also has wood soft for processing, is similar to pine, but due to its knitting, it is less common than pine.