Asphalt coating is made using a heated mixture of bitumen with gravel or gravel, mineral powder and sand. The work algorithm is this: applying a layer of a primer mixture with a thickness of B1 mm to the surface of concrete; laying the asphalt concrete mixture; sealing the mixture.
Asphalt concrete coatings, as a rule, are made from a rigid consistency, compacted by a mechanical rink. With your own hands, sealing a cast asphalt concrete can only be if there is little work and the place is inaccessible with a mechanical rink for compacting.
The cast mixtures of asphalt concrete are placed in strips, up to 2 m wide, limited rails, which play the role of lighthouses in the installation of coating. To trim the mixtures, they are moved along lighthouse rails, after which they are compacted due to a rink weighing B70 kilograms equipped with an electric heater. And when the mobility of the cast asphalt concrete under the rink will stop, it can be considered its tamping of the completed.
It is important to remember that the thickness of each of the compacted layers should not exceed 25 mm. Where the rink is not available, as well as at air temperature in the floor of the floor of less than 5 degrees, the cast mixture is compacted with rollers. The temperature of the concrete mixture must comply with the established standards.
Before the start of laying, the edge of the sealing area is necessary in advance in advance. In places of working seams, a mixture of asphalt concrete is tamped until it disappears completely. Frored areas are cut down and covered with a hot mixture.
It is customary to prepare a cast asphalt concrete in a special asphalt cauldron next to the site of the flooring. Such a mixture should be homogeneous and have the same distribution of bitumen on grain fillers. It is clear that the price of asphalt will then meet the requirements. In the summer, the temperature of cast asphalt concrete in the boiler should fluctuate within 180 – 200 degrees, and in winter, respectively, 200 – 210.