During the construction of modern high -rise buildings, they immediately solve the issue with thermal insulation of the whole house. Despite a large number of new buildings, some of the population continues to live in houses, the construction of which at one time did not provide for the savings of thermal resources. Penalisterol – polystyrene foam came to help such homeowners.
This material is wonderful as a heater, t. To. very light and his cost is not large, but in terms of its properties it does not tolerate open sunlight, which means that it will need to be additionally protected from them.
Foam manufacturers produce their products in the form of plates varied in size, different in density and thickness. The denser the material, the lower the degree of its thermal conductivity, therefore, it preserves heat better.
The insulation outside will prevent the freezing of concrete and the apartments themselves from dampness, without cutting its area.
All wall insulation work should begin with stripping walls, priming. Using special tools, identify various possible deviations in the building and appropriate notes are entered. This is done so that the layout of polystyrene plates is even, in level, without any deviations. In this case, the glue used is applied to the wall, and only then foam slabs are attached to it.
After the glue dries, they begin to install fasteners, acting as a securement. Next, another layer of glue is applied, but this time on top of the foam, to attach glasses, which will protect the foam from the effects of external factors and sunlight.