When you are the owner of a private house, you really want to have a pool and it is desirable that you can swim in it. Not everyone can allow you to buy a ready -made pool or order in the company to make. If you want to strongly, then you can make a pool on your own. The simplest version of the pool.
Out the pit of the size that the pool is needed. The wall slope should not exceed twenty -five degrees. The land that was dug up, lay on the edges, this will increase the depth. Now compact how the bottom and walls.
You finished with this, now proceed to laying waterproofing. It can be a simple film, or tarpaulin. It is better to take a tarpaulin, so you will see the bottom of the pool when you pour water into it. Waterproofing should go out of 0.5 meters out of the basin limit. Put on the bottom or sand so that the film or tarpaulin does not rise or gravel. It is better of course gravel, so when swimming the water will not get dirty.
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In order to merge water from the pool, you need to put a hose into it, into the lowest point and raise the other end to put on the net so that when draining the hose does not clog.
What will be your pool shape is your choice. It can be rectangular, oval or round. Just do not make a steep slope, otherwise the earth will crumble while you lay waterproofing.
Concrete pool.
EXTENDENT THE FOLD AND MAY AT THE PRODUCT AT you plan, width and length, as you will insulate it with foam. Then you need to make a reinforcing cage. It is on the floor, and the walls will have to be made from the boards. After all these works, you can start concrete. A small slope is made at the bottom so that when draining all the water pours out of the pool. Need to be carried out, do not forget the pipes by which the water will leave.
When you finish concrete and the pool will dry, you might think about the decoration, both the pool itself and the territory next to it. Of course, it is better to make the finish tile.