How to choose a site? The site should be the most suitable for the construction of a particular house. When you choose the location, pay attention to the territorial and technical feature of the location of the site, and whether the cost with its quality coincides.
First of all, the state of the soil affects the choice of the site. To determine how justified the cost of the site is, compare prices for land plots that are located nearby, and calculate in detail the price of construction.
What should be the land for a private house? Find out the target purpose of the Earth. If you want to build a house for permanent residence, then its purpose should be “for housing construction”. To find out for sure, contact the local authorities, for example, to the Office of Land resources. When contact, be sure to make a written request for documentary confirmation that a particular land is suitable for specific construction for permanent residence. Also find out what soil features exist, and whether there are soil water. If you want to lay out reinforced concrete products (AUT). Lukes., Then you need to find out in the first place.
The main criteria for the choice of land for construction (site parameters):
1.Environmental situation;
2.How accessible it is to conduct electricity, gas, telephone;
3.How close to neighboring houses is the plot;
4.What are the parameters of the site, and how much they agree with the data in the technical passport of the site;
5.How close the plants, garbage dumps, the road and find out whether their construction is planned (this can be found in the general plan of development of the nearest territory).