For the lining of frame houses, as well as for various other construction and finishing goals, imitation of the beam can be used. The material is one of the varieties of the lining that has a trapezoidal profile on the cut. The main difference between imitation of the beam and an ordinary lining relative to use for lining of external walls is a horizontal location. Imitation of the beam is customary to call boards that have a castle connection to the flat front and rear surface. This is almost a block house, which has only one line flat, and the second round and imitates a whole log. The imitation of the beam looks so reliable when sheathing that at first glance to distinguish a frame house from a whole -ruble house from a log is very difficult. In addition to frame houses, imitation of the beam is great for lining the walls of brick, concrete, foam blocks. Completely natural material made of solid wood perfectly copes with any weather conditions and provides reliable and durable thermal insulation of the house, as well as an attractive appearance. The material, depending on the variety of wood, can be used without further treatment, or stained with water -based, alkyd, oil paints, as well as varnish.