It is very difficult to imagine committed construction without the use of drywall . With the help of this wonderful mother, you can create a partition, linen the wall, arrange a floor as well as a suspended ceiling, make sound -absorbing products, as well as decorative . With the help of drywall, it is possible to even do without concrete and cement mixture. Not resort to a “wet” process that is associated with the last .
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The basis of drywall consists of ordinary gypsum . This material is very durable, lightly, and has resistance to fire . It also does not contain taxic components, and also has acidic properties that are like human skin . And his story is like a system. material, their roots go to ancient Egypt, three thousand seven hundred years BC . The Egyptians were finished with the funeral chamber of the pyramids . A little later, the Greeks began to succeed in the operation of this material . And it was Greek people who appropriated such a name as “Gipros”, and what will be translated from Greek as “boiling stone” . Drywall was also actively used by the Romans . And only thanks to these Romans in the fifteenth century it became known about this material in Europe .