Depending on the fibers that underlie non -metallic reinforcement, it is divided into fiberglass and basaltoplastic. But since the latter is quite expensive, the first. Where they created fiberglass reinforcement is definitely not known, because it began to study its properties simultaneously in the USA and in the Soviet Union in the 60s of the twentieth century. Soon, the developed countries of the world have already used strong material in the construction of various objects.
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The strength of fiberglass reinforcement is explained by its physical body, which consists of two parts. The fiber bundle is connected together with resins, epoxy and polyester, creates the main barrel, and the outer layer – one-, double -controlled navigation of fibers or sandy spraying – provides adhesion with concrete. After construction, you should properly engage in the landscape design of the site. The advantages of fiberglass reinforcement include its corrosion resistance, which will protect the concrete structure from cracks and ruptures. In addition, non -metallic reinforcement is ten times easier than steel, much cheaper, has a low thermal conductivity, resistant to temperature exposure from -70 to +100 ° C, does not conduct electric current. Among the shortcomings: it is not amenable to electric welding, and the low elastic module entails the need for additional calculations when using fiberglass reinforcement in ceilings.