Many types of production, despite the technical breakthrough and significant achievements of mankind, to this day remain very harmful. Harmful gases, exhausts, smoke from soldering and welding, technical and construction dust – all this worsens the working conditions of certain industries. The long -term impact of these harmful factors has a negative impact on the work and health of workers. Therefore, it is very important to provide good ventilation at the place of production.
It is worth noting that now local ventilation is also used in construction in construction. For example, apartments in Penza from the developer were built using local ventilation systems. This facilitates the production process and therefore, during the construction of new buildings in Penza, local ventilation is used everywhere.
There are a number of options for arranging ventilation: natural, general exchange, ventilation with heating and air purification, etc. It is best to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the air and at the same time heat the desired area allows local ventilation. You can arrange it in the form of an extract with air purification and its recirculation. This reduces the amount of ventilated air at times, and the effect of saving for heating is obvious. With the help of local ventilation, the most comfortable working conditions are created, which increase performance by 10-20%. In addition, only with local ventilation can the sanitary and hygienic norms exist in Russia.