It is not known exactly what expressed ancient builders on the construction of domed buildings. The most ancient vaulted structures belong to the Persians, Greeks and Etruscans. From the eastern Mediterranean of the Dome in the II millennium BC. e. Penetrated into Sardinia, forming a culture of Nurags (primitive stone domed buildings). By the way, now send a parcel, you can on the site, many are still using this service.
Perhaps the shape of the dome is a traditional “reminder” about the cave – the original dwelling of the ancient man. However, interestingly, domed buildings appear in parallel with the development of the general culture of these peoples, in the era of certain technological progress. It is possible that the builders of the first domed buildings deliberately resorted to this form, guided by the simplest mathematical consideration: the sphere has the greatest ratio of volume to the surface area. That is, the dome allowed to spend a smaller amount of material to ensure the maximum space under it.