It is best to start the improvement of a personal plot on paper, with the preparation of a phased plan of the necessary work. You should decide whether you like work in the garden, what you would like to see your garden after five to ten years and, based on this, you can start designing the site.
Take a closer look at the existing situation on the site. If observations are observed during the year, you can determine which places are better covered and which remain in the shade throughout the day; In what places water accumulates after rain and melting of snow; how high soil waters are and what is the acidity of the soil. The results of observations should be taken into account when developing a project. You can read more about landscape design .
Draw a draft site with all buildings and characteristic elements of the existing landscape. Apply the alleged recreation areas, garden, flower beds and flower beds. Put the paths. Now you should go out with the scheme to the garden, try to mentally transfer the pencil lines to the terrain and imagine how the finished landscape will look like. It must be borne in mind that trees and shrubs will grow over time, and there should be more space between them.
Many flowers and rare plants require careful care. Do you want to cover them for the winter, fertilize several times a year or agree to sacrifice flowers in favor of an evergreen shrub. Do you need a garden or is it better to arrange a lawn and arrange sun loungers instead. You can make copies of the scheme and draw several options on them to later discuss and choose the most suitable.
After you have determined all the elements of the future garden, you can begin to draw up a final plan of action and implement your ideas.
When buying plants for the garden, it is necessary to find out from the seller what care they need, what is their growth rate and what size they can reach in a few years. This data should be taken into account when landing so that in ten to fifteen years the plant does not have to be transplanted.