A wooden log house needs additional insulation, which is carried out in several stages, the first of which begins at the time of construction, and the latter after a complete shrinkage of the house. If even after the standard insulation procedures in the house, the cold continues to determine the reason for its appearance. One of them can be the wrong selection of logs of logs, which is why, in order to avoid these problems, the logs should be selected more carefully before the construction of. Another reason for the cold in the house may be the wrong heating calculation.
In these cases, the situation can be slightly changed using additional insulation. The material that you will use for this must have excellent vapor permeability properties. Moreover, this indicator should be along with wood. Higher vapor permeability indicators inherent in the material can be applied if it is supposed to be laid from the outer part of the building.
After the house is built, you can proceed to the arrangement of the exterior, comprehensive care for the garden today is possible with the help of professionals in their field.
In addition, the material must certainly be moisture resistant, this will not allow it to accumulate moisture, which would certainly lead to rotting of wood. The insulation should be fireproof, as well as resistant to the propagation of pathogenic mushrooms. Among its characteristics are easy air passing, as well as a loose structure, to fit the log of the log as tightly as possible, leaving no gaps. Takes into account all of the above characteristics, for example, ecovata