Before starting repairs in the apartment, it is worth considering the fact that even in new buildings the walls may not be quite even. It is known that concrete panels and slabs in the house can have a kind of wavy structure, and this wave on the surface of the walls can be deep enough, thereby it can be seen with the naked eye.
As practice shows, putting strong irregularities on the walls will not work. Usually she will be enough to hide very minor defects. Therefore, if the irregularities in their depths exceed five millimeters, then ordinary putty is simply not possible to do here.
In this case, it is necessary to resort to small plastering work. If you have a European repair in the apartment in the apartment, but you really don’t want to mess with plaster work, then you can just resort to the simplest method of plastering, namely to putting the problem areas of the wall.
This is especially true for those sections of the walls to which the plinth will be attached in the future. If you have defects, but they are almost invisible due to your small size, then you just need to cover them with ordinary putty, and leave the plaster for more useful repair work.
It is worth remembering that it is not worth overdoing in this case, because because of the too large layers of plaster, you can easily change the geometry of the room or plaster simply begin to crumble and crack, which is why no “safety” layers of plaster are needed in such repair work.
Everything should be done strictly, neatly, otherwise your difficult work simply will go down the mash, and you will thereby regret the money spent in vain and time.
The balcony is able to tell in many ways about the appearance of the apartment itself. Therefore, it is very important that it is neat and beautiful. In this case, it is better to entrust the repair of the balconies of Mytishchi to professionals. Experts will be able to perform work on your sketch efficiently and on time.