Liquid wallpaper – radically different from ordinary wallpaper building materials. They are a decorative plaster with high -quality dyes that includes natural fibers in their composition. A mixture of these components is sold in a dry packed form, and before use it is simply mixed with tap water. One package will require about a liter of water.
Liquid wallpaper is made in numerous versions, and with their help the walls can be given a variety of decorative effects. This material is environmentally harmful and has antistatic qualities, so it does not collect dust.
The process of applying liquid wallpaper is quite simple. Before applying liquid wallpaper, they must be prepared. To do this, the mixture from the bag shakes and spilled into a slightly warm water. If a shine is added to the wallpaper of the effect of radiance, then first a shiny powder is poured into the water, and then a wallpaper mixture. You can mix components with water with your hands: all of them, including shine, do not harm the skin at all.
After stirring the wallpaper until the lumps disappeared completely, we leave them to brew, after pouring back into the package. Insisting takes about 10 hours. Meanwhile, you can start preparing the surface – primer and putty.
Apply wallpaper on a well -dried wall with a trowel, uniformly distributing a layer on the surface. We make sure that the material does not slide and does not fall off. When the wall is ready, the remaining roughnesses are smoothed out by a moistened trowel. You can see the flaws well by directing the side light to the wall.
Small roughnesses of the walls and minor cracks for liquid wallpaper are not critical, on the contrary, their wallpaper is remarkably masking.