The engineer inventor, living in Zaporozhye, has invented an amazing device that can get electricity from a socket almost free. And with all this, he does nothing illegal, but uses only knowledge of physics. Its device is a small block, pumping precious electricity from the outlet, and the most interesting thing is that the counter at that time is still in place! In twenty -four hours, such a technical miracle gives about fifteen kilowatts. And this is enough to satisfy the needs of one family.
How all this works? This device simply includes in the outlet, and the heating device is connected to it, that’s all! As they say: “All ingenious – simple”. Power engineers have no reason to make any complaints, because the device operates as a stabilizer or converter. Reactive power flow without problems over the network, and when accumulation occurs, reboot is activated. We pay money only for active energy, and therefore, this invention does not conflict with the law. The engineer inspired the creation of this device, a constant increase in electricity prices. Vladimir Churyukin (the name of the inventor) could not withstand this, and in about one year managed to develop his adaptation.
It is interesting that half of the details for him, he took from his old tube TV. Many scientists indicate that the engineer made simply a brilliant discovery. In the event that his miracle approval will be able to withstand laboratory tests, then all energy facilities may be in a moment of full bankrupt. At this stage of time, the engineer patents his device. He is convinced that using his device, you can significantly save the family budget.