To date, parquet is very popular among flooring. It has a beautiful appearance and can last a long time, unless of course to care for it correctly. In addition, the parquet is still not too expensive, and you will not need any knowledge of you to lay it down.
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If you decide to put the parquet yourself, you must do this in such a way that the parquet board lay in the direction of the main source of light. As for the location of the longitudinal and transverse planks, they will have to be located towards the wall.
If during laying the parquet board you saw that the wall has irregularities, then it should be cut in the same way that it has the same irregularity as the wall itself. To facilitate work, it is best for you to draw a line of irregularity and make a cut on it. Ultimately, you should get the floor covering that will go around the walls. As for cutting tools, this will help you with a regular jigsaw, which every master must have. If there is still no jigsaw, then you can use a knife on wood.