The most common version of the roof mechanism is arranged as follows: the rafter system, a hydraulic tank, a steam-barrier, a heater, a clamping wooden rail, which is adapted to a hydraulic insulation film, a horizontal rack made of wood.
A large number of farms will be equipped with additional internal supports (struts, contractions), thereby strengthening the structure, especially if the laying of heavy material is designed. The required force of the loading elements of the roof can be determined by the calculation, taking into account the mass of the roofing itself plus snow precipitation. The main components of a good roof device are yendovs, drains, skates, fasteners, collars. The qualifications of workers are important in such work. For this, in any city there are certification companies that give a certificate after the qualification. For example, certification of workplaces of Volgograd, this is the work of the certification commission, which is created by order of the enterprise.
Roofing materials can be divided into three groups, it depends on the price policy.
1. From the category of the most expensive: wooden hin, copper, ceramic tiles, shale roof, straw – natural materials.
2. The next group of more affordable types of coatings: metal tiles, cement-sand and polymer-sand tiles, bitumen-are slightly inferior to the characteristics of the first group.
3. The third group includes more or less cheap types of coatings: EuroShifer, slate, euro -ruble, roofing material.
It is better to complete the roof device before the start of seasonal precipitation, in order to protect the building of the building from weather conditions.
For areas with abundant precipitation, polymer -sand tiles will be relevant – does not absorb moisture.