For a development company, which is at the first stage of its activities and has no plot for construction, it is important to determine its target audience. Having received an idea of which buyer it makes sense to focus on, you need to clarify such two questions – what kind of housing is optimally suitable for the selected category of potential buyers and where this housing should be located.
Here you need to take into account many factors, since different areas of Moscow and parts of the Moscow Region differ in many characteristics, such as the remoteness from the center, the quality of infrastructure, the prestige of this or that place, etc. D. For example, real estate in Zelenograd is very popular among solid people and young families. But for these two categories of buyers, different indicators of the infrastructure are important, in addition, they have their preferences regarding the ratio of the quality and price of the acquired housing.
If the builder already has ready-made successful objects in a particular area, it will be more profitable for it to continue activities in the same area or in a similar area. Having a positive reputation in a certain segment, it is easier for a developer to advertise and implement his objects. Experience in working with a particular market segment is also of considerable importance. Continuing to work in the already mastered territory, the developer can use the information already available to him regarding regional designers, builders, tenants and buyers. In addition, information regarding prices in this area and the dynamics of the development of its real estate market will help in further activities.
Starting to work in a new area, the developer will still have to prove its reliability and viability not only to potential buyers, but also to the figures of banking and state structures who can contribute to construction, and may prevent it. Therefore, the success of the planned enterprise is a question of not only gaining benefits, but also developing the base for the future development of business. It is very important not to disappoint creditors and choose the most optimal type of housing being built. For this, it is necessary to initially carry out deep monitoring of the mastered market. The more popular the first product will turn out, the faster the company will achieve success and prosperity. The risk here is justified only at very high rates.