Many women are faced with the problem of hated cellulite and fat deposits. A merciless struggle is being carried out against them: sports, diets, folk remedies, cosmetology. There are times when training in the hall helps to decrease by a couple of sizes, but the “orange crust” still does not want to leave your hips. Then, the revenue to many comes LPG massage of the price in Lublino and other areas of Moscow for which the family budget will not burden.
How does this work
The development owes its name to the Frenchman Louis Paul Gita, who in the 80s of the last century proposed to automate the massage process. Initially, the device was intended for recovery after injuries, but then an aesthetic effect of use was also noticed.
The procedure itself consists of a complex effect of rollers, manipula, vibration and vacuum ventilation.
Mobile elements work throughout the body, heading in all directions and diagonally. As a result of this, the circulation of blood and lymph improves in the skin cells, stagnation is removed, the process of splitting fats and the formation of collagen that renews the skin and forms its correct structure is stimulated.
There are a number of factors in which you cannot do a similar procedure:
oncological diseases;
neurological disorders;
varicose veins;
infectious diseases;
damage on the skin (rashes, cuts, scratches);
Various adenomas, phlebitis, lipomas and hernias.
If you decide that massage is what you need, be sure to consult a doctor before passing the course, and then you will not only be beautiful and slender, but also healthy.