The most optimal solution in construction is currently considered the rapidly vegetable buildings. And in order to quickly build the building, you need to use suitable materials, namely light metal structures. Warehouse, shopping center, sports complex, industrial buildings – all these structures can be built in a short time, if you use light metal structures. All elements for rapidly vegetable buildings are produced at the factory. For the production of light metal structures, rolling metal is used. This metal is produced strictly according to uniform standards. Then all elements are folded into the necessary constructive forms. In the production of light metal structures, a clear technological process is observed. As a result of this process, the necessary details are obtained, which are then connected to the desired structural elements.
The process of production of metal structures consists of the following stages: 1) the design documentation of the stages of KM, KMD is developed; 2) the technology for the manufacture of metal structures is being developed; 3) there is a harvesting or cutting of parts of metal structures; 4) holes are drilled in details, flexible; 5) collect and weld metal structures; 6) prepare the surface of metal structures to apply a paintwork on them; 7) marking metal structures; 8) Packing metal structures. Purchase industrial metal structures here.
Metal structures are received at the construction site already ready for assembly. With the help of welding and bolted joints, metal structures are collected. The whole process, starting from the design of the documentation, takes about 4-6 months before commissioning the facility. Such a period in industrial and commercial construction is considered a very small. Buildings built within such a period are considered quickly vested.