During the repair in the office, the choice of flooring should be paid to special attention. Consider the types of finishing materials for the floor:
Ceramic tile. Perhaps the most practical material for the floor. Ceramic tiles have high strength and wear resistance.
Thanks to high hygiene indicators, ceramic tiles are often used as a floor covering in rooms in which high requirements are imposed on this parameter.
Linoleum. For the office, a commercial class linoleum is best suited. Due to the fact that such linoleum has high resistance to abrasion, its service life is quite long. In relation to other types of flooring, linoleum wins its price for its fast and simple installation.
Parquet from the array of wood. Such flooring has high indicators of environmental cleanliness. Such a parquet made of natural wood is able to create in the office, on the one hand, coziness, on the other, is the atmosphere of luxury and prosperity, which should be present in the offices of solid companies. However, this type of flooring has one minus – a very high price, both for the material itself and for work on its styling and further maintenance.
Carpet. Modern industry produces many varied carpet samples that can be used for offices. However, carpet is not the best material for the floor, as it has the ability to attract dust to itself, which is quite difficult to remove. In the process of choosing the material to cover the floor in the office, you should pay attention to their operational characteristics and service life.
Ceiling – one of the main elements of any room. Particular attention must be paid to the living room. One of the requirements put forward today is quality, environmental safety and “pure” installation. We offer the best, because Clipso ceilings will be a modern solution of a difficult task.