In many apartments there is such an unpleasant phenomenon as a screenshop. The floors of the floors are annoying, especially if you have a small child and passing by him, he suddenly wakes up from the creak of the floorboards.
This problem is relevant in high -rise buildings where the floors are made of chipboard plate. Due to the irregularities between the panels and lags, the gaskets have different thicknesses, between them turns out to be a gap and at the moment when a person passes on such a floor, the plate of chipboard is bending and rubbing about the lag, so the creak occurs.
You can solve this problem in two ways. The first way is the sexes. This method carries material costs and chores of overhaul.
The second way is to eliminate the creaking problem, namely, to establish additional supports in the floor in places of the greatest creak. To do this, you need to determine the thickness of the floor to concrete. To do this, you need to drill a hole in a problem place and measure. Suppose you got 6 cm. Now you need to purchase screws for wood with a diameter of not more than 5.5 cm and in the quantity, how much you have problematic creaky places. Gently screw all the screws into the holes made in creaky places. After you did all the work and made sure that the creak is eliminated, you need to cut the hats of the screws and grind this place. We hope, having done these works to eliminate the creaking of the sexes, you can live on calmly and not be afraid to wake your home.