Liquid wallpaper, of course, is one of the most reliable and beautiful coatings. Subject to simple application technology, they will last you for a very long time. Repair of apartments using this coating will allow you to hide the defects of the walls and ceiling.
On average, standard packaging is enough to cover 5 kV. m. surfaces. Before applying liquid wallpaper, paint the walls with water -based paint in one layer or slightly. Dilute such wallpaper should be with warm water in a plastic container, clearly following the instructions on the package. If desired, you can add a decorative shine, which is sold separately.
Then it is necessary to leave the diluted wallpaper for 12 hours. Add a little warm water to the resulting mass and mix. Take a few liquid wallpaper in the hand and apply on the wall, and then level it with a spatula or roll out a roller. The edges of the material applied are constantly moistened with water from a spray gun – this will make the joints invisible. Do not be discouraged if the color of the liquid wallpaper differs from the declared by the manufacturer, it will fully manifest only after their drying out.
As a final stroke, you can cover a dried surface with liquid glass. Liquid wallpapers are good in themselves and are perfectly combined with other materials. Do not be afraid to experiment!