Today we can see beautiful, bright, unusual shape of the building at every step. They delight our eyes, raise our mood and generally create some kind of comfort and comfort on the street. We can no longer imagine life among gray and boring monotonous buildings.
But no matter how bright colors the buildings possess, over time their colors begin to dull, acquiring a completely ugly grayish tint. And the culprit of all this disgrace is urban dust that accompanies us everywhere. Of course, the degree of pollution depends on many factors: the location of the building, the location of the winds in the area, and from the time of year.
However, the problem of dusting dust on the facades of buildings is not only aesthetic in nature. Indeed, on the building, dust particles that contain various oxides and alkaline salts, which, with any contact with water, can easily turn into acids and alkalis.
They, in turn, can accelerate the aging of the decoration and destroy metal structures, cement and concrete elements. Also, dust accumulating in the empty pores of buildings can cause damage to a fungus, mold or mosses. For these reasons, active work is underway with buildings pollution. Most often this work consists in repainting the facade of the building.
However, the most effective methods for combating accumulating dust are the washing of the facades. Materials for such cleaning are selected taking into account the materials used to finish the building. And given the type of pollutant. There is one small nuance – this cleaning method cannot be used in our harsh winter.