To build this type of single -sided roof, it is necessary that the facade of the wall of the building is raised to a height that supplies the desired angle of inclination of the roof. The beam is extremely horizontally laid on the load -bearing walls, and the rafters of a single -sided roof are strengthened to them.
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Between the rafters and their sections, the distance depends on the length of the span, the strengthening of the rafters can be done with the assistance of nails or iron brackets. The length of the rafters must exist such as to provide the necessary overhangs of the roof. With impracticability, provide overhangs with support for rafters, they pin boards that equip the necessary sizes of overhangs.
Когда ширина пролета крыши достигает до 5 метра то, необходимости нет для добавочных второстепенных стоек для стропил, а вот при большей ширине нужно их пристраивать, чтоб предотвратить их деформацию. Pales put on the beams of the attic ceiling, it would be nice, at the points of the inner load -bearing walls and fix them with slants.
The angular inclination of a single -sloping roof is determined by the chosen construction of the building, and the type of roofing material used. When the angle of inclination of the roof is smaller, the less consumables will be required, on its structures, but there is a significant minus with a small tilt of the angle – this is a deterioration in the stack of water from the rain and snow. The probability of leaks at the joints is enhanced, the vertical load of the rafters grows.